““Jesus said, ‘Let the children alone, and do not stop them from coming to me; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of Heaven belongs.’””
Baptism is the first of the Sacraments and the gateway to the life of grace in Jesus Christ. We are pleased that you are choosing to have your child baptised into the life of Christ; a life of service and self-giving love and we look forward to accompanying you on the journey to Baptism.
Baptisms will take place on a Sunday in both the Cathedral and at St Andrews by prior arrangement with the Cathedral Office.
Parents are required to take a Baptism preparation course if this is their first child to be baptised. Baptism preparation courses are held on the first Saturday of each month; booking is essential.
Please note that at least one of the Godparents must be a practising Catholic.
If you are seeking to have your child baptised in this parish, please phone the Cathedral office on 0131 556 1798 from 9.00am to 3.00pm, Monday to Friday, or email